Sunday, July 26, 2009

The Proof Is in the Pasta

All sorts of good news in our house this week, the first of which is (and this is not to be treated lightly)- this is Miss D's birthday week! Our girl will be one on Wednesday and, I promise, crossed heart and all that, there will be lots of posting about that this week. Once I get my mind around the fact that she's been here for a year...

And the second bit of news- my computer is fixed and updated and working bee-yoo-tifully. Ah, thank you very much Mr. Matthew Mac-Genius.

Which means- pictures!

Tonight's quick updates are about that one perfect food- pasta.

Miss D is quite the noodle fan.

And if you've ever wondered if the rumors about pasta and sleepiness are true...




1 comment:

Emily said...

I just love it when they fall asleep in their high chair! We got a video of Isaac doing that while eating Chocolate pudding. Poor child just couldn't resist the pudding even though he was sooo tired!